Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism
Our work addresses the diverse and global nature of threats with research, programming and policy recommendations.
We approach this multidimensional theme from various angles, with expertise across several teams and locations. Research projects focus on scanning and assessing the threat horizon, including the threat from the far right and lone actors. We also cover counter terrorism financing and terrorism in the media and online.
In addition, our work focuses on multiple large-scale assessments of the evidence base for efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism, including the need for a gender-related analytical approach and a deeper understanding of complex radicalisation processes. These research-based assessments are supplemented and reinforced through the implementation of several ongoing transnational programmes managed by RUSI.
Our experts
Emily Winterbotham
Director of Terrorism and Conflict Studies
Terrorism and Conflict
Ed Arnold
Senior Research Fellow, European Security
International Security
Dr Antonio Giustozzi
Senior Research Fellow
Terrorism and Conflict
Christopher Hockey
Senior Research Fellow
RUSI Nairobi
Michael Jones
Research Fellow
Terrorism and Conflict
Tom Keatinge
Director, CFS
Centre for Finance and Security
Timothy Kimaiyo
Project Assistant
RUSI Nairobi
Claudia Wallner
Research Fellow
Dr Jessica White
Acting Director of Terrorism and Conflict Studies
Terrorism and Conflict
Galgallo Abagaro
Law Enforcement Project Manager
Lord Carlile of Berriew CBE, KC
Distinguished Fellow
Lieutenant General Sir Nick Borton KCB DSO MBE
RUSI Distinguished Fellow
Dr Tina Wilchen Christensen
Associate Fellow - Expert in mentorship-based approaches to reintegration, radicalisation and risk assessment
Samuel Coates
Senior Associate Fellow
Dr Simon Copeland
RUSI Associate Fellow
Dr Stephanie Daher
RUSI Associate Fellow, Terrorism and Conflict
The Lord Evans of Weardale KCB DL
Distinguished Fellow
Dr Tobias Feakin
Senior Associate Fellow
Dr Tom Fisher FRSA
RUSI Associate Fellow
Matt Freear
Associate Fellow
Dr Andrew Glazzard OBE
Senior Associate Fellow
Dr Alexander Gilder
Associate Fellow
Adam Hadley CBE
RUSI Senior Associate Fellow
Professor Stig Jarle Hansen
Senior Associate Fellow - Expert in Islamism in the Horn of Africa and the Al-Shabaab group
Air Vice-Marshal (Ret’d) Mike Hart CBE
Senior Associate Fellow
Dr H A Hellyer
Senior Associate Fellow
The Lord Hogan-Howe QPM
Distinguished Fellow
Georgia Holmer
Senior Associate Fellow
Will Jessett CBE
Senior Associate Fellow
Dr James Khalil
Associate Fellow
Dr Daniel Koehler
Associate Fellow
Dr Suraj Lakhani
Associate Fellow
Galen Lamphere-Englund
Associate Fellow
Clovis Meath Baker CMG OBE
Associate Fellow
Dr Sarah Marsden
Associate Fellow
Luniya Msuku
Associate Fellow
Professor Peter Neumann
Senior Associate Fellow
Dr Julie Norman
Senior Associate Fellow
Dr Michael Nwankpa
Associate Fellow; Founding Director/Director of Research at the Centre for African Conflict and Development, London
Sir David Omand GCB
Distinguished Fellow; Visiting Professor in the War Studies Department, KCL
Raffaello Pantucci
Senior Associate Fellow
The Lord Parker of Minsmere GCVO KCB
Distinguished Fellow
Dr Imogen Parsons
Former Senior Research Fellow
Elizabeth Pearson
Associate Fellow
Dr Alexandra Phelan
Associate Fellow
Dr Alastair Reed
Senior Associate Fellow
Stephen Reimer
Associate Fellow
Eric Rosand
Senior Associate Fellow
Sir Mark Rowley
Distinguished Fellow
Sir John Scarlett KCMG OBE
Distinguished Fellow
Dr Simon Staffell
Associate Fellow
Dr Tessa Szyszkowitz
Distinguished Fellow
Sir Rob Wainwright KCMG
Distinguished Fellow
Richard Walton
Distinguished Fellow
Tim Willasey-Wilsey CMG
Senior Associate Fellow
Martine Zeuthen
Associate Fellow - Quality Assurance