Counterterrorism and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Training

Tailored policy and programming training for governments, civil society organisations and practitioners in different contexts.

RUSI delivers a variety of tailored Counterterrorism (CT) and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) policy and programming trainings and workshops for governments, civil society organisations and practitioners in the UK, EU and overseas, including in fragile and conflict affected states.

All trainings draw on evidence-based research and learning and are based on information and knowledge exchange.

RUSI’s CT trainings are aimed at governments, police and security professionals. RUSI’s P/CVE trainings work with governments, donors, civil society organisations and other practitioners.

Project team

Emily Winterbotham

Director of Terrorism and Conflict Studies

Terrorism and Conflict

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Dr Joana de Deus Pereira

Senior Research Fellow

RUSI Europe

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Dr Jessica White

Acting Director of Terrorism and Conflict Studies

Terrorism and Conflict

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Christopher Hockey

Senior Research Fellow

RUSI Nairobi

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Michael Jones

Research Fellow

Terrorism and Conflict

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Claudia Wallner

Research Fellow

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Aims and objectives

Trainings can be designed at a regional, national or local level, including in fragile and conflict affected states. They are tailored to the context in which they operate, accounting for the nature of the terrorist and violent extremist threats and the current CT and P/CVE response, capacity and need.

RUSI’s CT trainings focus on disseminating lessons learned on CT best practice, sharing experiences from different contexts, human rights compliance in CT policy and programme and concepts such as ‘do no harm’ including considerations about equality and diversity.

RUSI’s P/CVE trainings draw on the extensive evidence base which has been gathered by RUSI’s Terrorism and Conflict team on what works and what does not in P/CVE programming. This includes offering advisory services on developing P/CVE National Action Plans.

RUSI also seeks to improve equality and diversity within CT policy and P/CVE programming by furthering the Women, Peace and Security agenda through our extensive gender-related expertise. We offer training and advisory services on the application of a gender lens in research, as well as on how to design and apply gender mainstreaming strategies within programming implementation.

Trainings are delivered in-person, hybrid and virtually, as required.