Our research has an international context and global reach. We assess the impact of emerging geopolitical conflict, competition, and cooperation in strategically important regions and consider what this means for UK defence and security.
Browse by region
Research on the Americas region focuses on the United States, with a particular focus on US defence policy and the role of transatlantic partnerships, and on the impact of organised crime and security challenges in Latin America.
Arctic and High North
Research focuses on the strategic importance of the Arctic and Europe’s High North and assesses the defence challenges of upholding a tension-free Arctic in the face of access to natural resources and sea routes opening up as an impact of climate change.
Asia and the Pacific
Covering the region from Afghanistan to Australia we consider the economic, political, and military developments and their impact on global geopolitics and security, with the rising dominance of China and the nuclear threat posed by North Korea.
Research focuses on the security and defence challenges for Europe, both inside and outside the EU and considers the implications of Brexit on UK foreign and security policy.
Middle East and North Africa
Research on the Middle East and North Africa focuses on the changing geopolitical landscape and the current and emerging conflict and security challenges in the region.
Russia and Eurasia
Our research of the former Soviet region assesses the impact of the rise in conflict and security challenges in the region and explores the geopolitics of the various states.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Our research in this region explores the conflict, security and peace operations across Sub-Saharan Africa, with specific focus on countering terrorism and violent extremism, combatting illegal wildlife trade, environmental crime and climate security.

Our research and commentary considers the role and impact of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and assesses the effectiveness of such military alliances in the modern world.

Research focuses on the role of the United Nation (UN) in maintaining international peace and security and looks in detail at peacekeeping and peacebuilding in fragile and conflict affected states.