Middle East and North Africa

Research on the Middle East and North Africa focuses on the changing geopolitical landscape and the current and emerging conflict and security challenges in the region.

Our experts

Dr Burcu Ozcelik

Senior Research Fellow, Middle East Security

International Security

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Urban Coningham

Research Fellow and Course Lead

RUSI International

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Dr Neil Melvin

Director, International Security

International Security

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Dr Jack Watling

Senior Research Fellow, Land Warfare

Military Sciences

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Dr Jessica White

Senior Research Fellow

Terrorism and Conflict

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Tom Keatinge

Director, CFS

Centre for Finance and Security

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Ali Ansari

Senior Associate Fellow; Professor of Iranian History and Director of the Institute for Iranian Studies, University of St Andrews

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Marwa Baabbad

Associate Fellow; Researcher and Development Consultant

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Professor Sultan Barakat

Senior Associate Fellow - Expert in post-war reconstruction and state-building

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Dr Tobias Borck

Senior Associate Fellow

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The Rt. Hon. Alistair Burt

Distinguished Fellow

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Ambassador Jonathan R. Cohen

Distinguished Fellow

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Justyna Gudzowska

Associate Fellow

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Professor Stig Jarle Hansen

Senior Associate Fellow - Expert in Islamism in the Horn of Africa and the Al-Shabaab group

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Jalel Harchaoui

Associate Fellow

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Dr Jack Harding

Associate Fellow

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Alistair Harris OBE

Associate Fellow

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Air Vice-Marshal (Ret’d) Mike Hart CBE

Senior Associate Fellow

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Dr H A Hellyer

Senior Associate Fellow

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Paulina Izewicz

Associate Fellow

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Dr Louise Kettle FRHistS

Associate Fellow; Assistant Professor of International Relations, University of Nottingham

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Sarah Lain

Associate Fellow

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Clovis Meath Baker CMG OBE

Associate Fellow

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Dr Ziya Meral

Senior Associate Fellow

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Dr Julie Norman

Senior Associate Fellow

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Sir William Patey KCMG LLD

Distinguished Fellow

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Dr Samuel Ramani

Associate Fellow; Tutor of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford

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Stephen Reimer

Associate Fellow

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Jonathan Rugman

Senior Associate Fellow

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Baraa Shiban

Associate Fellow

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Michael Stephens

Associate Fellow

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Jon Wilks CMG

Distinguished Fellow

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