Dr Tessa Szyszkowitz
Distinguished Fellow
Dr Tessa Szyszkowitz is an author and journalist.Â
She has covered foreign politics since the Iron Curtain fell in 1989. She covered Balkans and Southeastern Europe from Vienna (1989-1994), then she became Middle East correspondent (1994-1998) in Jerusalem, EU correspondent (1998-2002) in Brussels and Russia correspondent (2002-2010) in Moscow for the Austrian news magazine profil and other German and Austrian political magazines. Since August 2010 she has lived and worked in London.
Among her publications are Trauma and Terror – The Influence of Collective Trauma on National Politics. The Chechen and Palestinian Experience. (PhD thesis, Böhlauverlag, Wien/Köln, in German, 2007); Stalin’s last victims (edited by Stefan Karner, Oldenbourg Verlag 2009, in German); The New Russians (Picus Verlag, 2010, in German); Der Friedenskämpfer – (Fighter for peace) Biography of the Palestinian politician and diplomat Issam Sartawi in collaboration with Nadia Sartawi (Picus Verlag, 2011, in German); Echte Engländer. Real Englishmen. Britain and Brexit (Picus Verlag, published 2018, in German); The flipside of Brextremism, in: Do they mean us? (Bite Sized Books, January 2019); Brexicuted. The possibly explosive long-term effects of English nationalism. In: Brexit Farce und Tragödie (Farce and Tragedy), (published by Passagenverlag, October 2019, in German).
Since 2013, Dr Szyszkowitz has established her bilingual website szylog: www.tessaszy.com. She regularly comments on Austrian and European politics in British and International media and on British and Brexit politics in German and Austrian media.