Land Warfare

The RUSI Land Warfare team conducts extensive fieldwork to study contemporary conflicts and to evaluate the impact of emerging military concepts, doctrine and technologies on the future battlefield.

Pixabay / Defence Imagery

Our researchers work closely with the British Army and its allies and partners to evaluate how they can gain advantages over the next decade.

We study and review adversary capabilities, as well as training and operations, to understand how current competitors and potential enemies may pose challenges in the future. We support land forces with wargaming and simulation, often through the provision of expertise on opposition forces.

Pixabay / Defence Imagery

22-23 July 2024: RUSI Land Warfare Conference

This two-day conference will bring together senior land and ground forces leaders, policymakers and experts from the industry and think tanks to discuss and debate the dangerous security challenges that are currently facing the UK and its allies.

Combining the Arms of the Future

The Red Team Project: Understanding the Enemy

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