Major General Mungo Melvin CB OBE MA
Senior Associate Fellow
Mungo Melvin became a Senior Associate Fellow of RUSI in January 2012, having been a member for over thirty years. He retired from the British Army as a Major General in December 2011, after a career in the Royal Engineers and General Staff. He has a long association with defence policy, operational planning, and joint professional education.
Mungo’s research interests are international relations, grand and military strategy, and military history. He was the British Army’s senior adviser for the First World War centenary commemorations (2014-2018), and in that role edited the Army’s battlefield guide (2015) of the Western Front, designing and mentoring three associated international military staff rides. He is a Hon. Vice President of the Western Front Association, Chairman of the Royal Engineers Historical Association, and a former President of the British Commission of Military History.
Mungo’s principal publications are Manstein: Hitler's Greatest General (2010) and Sevastopol’s Wars: Crimea from Potemkin to Putin (2017). He is the editor of the latest volume of the history of the Royal Engineers, covering the period 2000-2019, and is writing a major new study into the role of decisive battle in the evolution of warfare.