War in Space Podcasts

How does space impact our security? What are the implications for society and what do threats in space actually look like?

War in Space is a monthly podcast that will demystify the debate about space and national security by explaining how geography and politics are projected into the space domain. We will unravel the technical jargon that floats around these discussions, illuminate the dark spaces and assess the quantifiable risks that have made such conversations increasingly worrying for the public.

Hosted by Juliana Suess, Policy Researcher for Space Security at the Royal United Services Institute, every episode will invite a guest to explore why people engaged in national security have been so seized by space in the last few years.

The views or statements expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by RUSI employees are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the view of RUSI.

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Season 1

Welcome to our first season of the War in Space Podcast Series. Access the latest episodes.

Episode 41: The Accelerating Pace of the Space Industry
clock27 Minute Listen
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Episode 40: UK Space Command: Lessons Learned
clock33 Minute Listen
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Episode 39: Space Sector Capture: How to Make Allies and Influence States
clock28 Minute Listen
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Episode 38: The Responsible Behaviours Report
clock30 Minute Listen
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Episode 37: No Wild West: An Introduction to Space Law
clock35 Minute Listen
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Episode 36: Are We Running Out of Space?
clock28 Minute Listen
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Episode 35: Concepts of Warfare in Space
Episode 34: The Future of Skynet
clock23 Minute Listen
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Episode 33: Talking Through Space
clock30 Minute Listen
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Episode 32: NATO’s Air and Space Lessons from Ukraine
clock30 Minute Listen
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Episode 31: Indian Space Policy
clock29 Minute Listen
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Episode 30: Russia: First into Space, and the First Out?
clock28 Minute Listen
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Episode 29: Moving from Geopolitics to 'Astropolitics'
clock25 Minute Listen
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Episode 28: To Own, or to Collaborate and Access? That is the Question
clock26 Minute Listen
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Episode 27: Space During the Cold War: The Strategic Defense Initiative
clock26 Minute Listen
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Episode 26: Making History: Helen Sharman's Spaceflight
clock28 Minute Listen
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Episode 25: Tech vs Strategy? The Beginnings of the US Space Force
clock28 Minute Listen
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Episode 24: Ukraine: The First Commercial Space War?
clock32 Minute Listen
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Episode 23: ‘From Cornwall with Launch’: The UK’s First Sovereign Space Launch
clock26 Minute Listen
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Episode 22: Chinese Power Projection to Lower-Earth Orbit and Beyond
clock26 Minute Listen
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Episode 21: Space Tech Innovation and Regulations – A Game of Catch-Up?
clock27 Minute Listen
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Episode 20: Space Dominance Now?
clock28 Minute Listen
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Episode 19: Space Economics 101
clock27 Minute Listen
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Episode 18: Space Age Beginnings
clock27 Minute Listen
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Episode 17: Finders Keepers: Europe in Space
clock27 Minute Listen
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Episode 16: Protecting the ‘Ones and Noughts’ to Keep Satellites Safe
clock27 Minute Listen
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Episode 15: Rocket Beginnings: What Links Missile Development and Spaceflight?
clock31 Minute Listen
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Episode 14: How to Track Your Satellite and Other Astronomy Lessons
clock30 Minute Listen
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Episode 13: Back to the Basics: What's in a Satellite?
clock22 Minute Listen
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Episode 12: Beyond the Horizon
clock23 Minute Listen
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Episode 11: No Such Thing As A Responsible Anti-Satellite Test
clock30 Minute Listen
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Episode 10: New Space, New Rules?
clock24 Minute Listen
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Episode 9: It Actually is Rocket Science
clock27 Minute Listen
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Episode 8: Why Comms is Key
clock26 Minute Listen
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Episode 7: Top Gun for Space
clock29 Minute Listen
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Episode 6: Space Club
clock29 Minute Listen
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Episode 5: Money Talks: The US National Defence Authorisation Act
clock26 Minute Listen
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Episode 4: Big Hopes for Big Rockets – The 2022 Space Forecast
clock26 Minute Listen
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Episode 3: It's Not About Star Wars, It's About Integration
clock27 Minute Listen
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Episode 2: Space Weather, Orbital Velocities and Sputnik's Nose Cone
clock27 Minute Listen
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Episode 1: War in Space? That’s So Mainstream
clock29 Minute Listen
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Podcast Trailer: What is War in Space?
clock13 Minute Listen
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