Episode 1: War in Space? That’s So Mainstream

The intersection of national security and space is not new, but more actors are becoming involved in the domain, in a race with increasing stakes.

In the first episode in this new series of podcasts, Dr Bleddyn Bowen, Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Leicester, explains why space features in all the new national strategy documents and why that does not mean that terrestrial aspects should be neglected.

War in Space Podcast Series

Space is becoming increasingly congested, contested and competed over. It has never been so easy – or so cheap – to launch a satellite into orbit. With space activity proliferating, its impact on national security has grown too: space assets are becoming vulnerable and space debris is becoming increasingly dangerous. War in Space is a series of interviews with experts in space and defence that will analyse the intersection of space and national security, unravelling the technical jargon that so often accompanies these discussions and explaining why space matters for our everyday lives and security.


Juliana Suess

RUSI Associate Fellow

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