Terrorist Financing
We examine the evolving global counterterrorist financing landscape and seek to develop appropriate and relevant responses to the threat of terrorist financing.
RUSI’s work focuses on rethinking approaches to countering terrorist financing, including assessing the role of new technologies, the threat of lone-actor and small-cell terror finance and the crime/terror nexus. We also study capacity-building for both the public and private sectors.
We have a special focus on Europe through Project CRAAFT, an academic research and community-building initiative designed to build stronger, more coordinated counterterrorist financing capacity across the EU and in its neighbourhood. The project engages with authorities and private entities to promote cross-border connectivity and targeted research. Funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund – Police, the project is being implemented by a Consortium led by RUSI Europe, along with the University of Amsterdam, Bratislava-based think tank GLOBSEC and the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), based in The Hague.
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Tom Keatinge
Director, CFS
Centre for Finance and Security
David Artingstall
Associate Fellow; Independent Consultant
David Carlisle
Associate Fellow; Independent Consultant
Jessica Davis
Associate Fellow; President and Principal Consultant with Insight Threat Intelligence
Justyna Gudzowska
Associate Fellow
Olivia Kearney
Associate Fellow
Anagha Joshi
Associate Fellow; Independent Consultant
Olivier Kraft
Associate Fellow; Technical Assistance Adviser with the International Monetary Fund
Professor Michael Levi
Senior Associate Fellow | SHOC Network Member - Researcher
David Lewis
Senior Associate Fellow
Erin Lubowicz
Associate Fellow
Andrew Mackay
Associate Fellow; Independent Consultant
Robert Norfolk-Whittaker
Associate Fellow; UN Consultant
Dr Marc Parker
Associate Fellow; Counter-terrorist financing expert
Matthew Redhead
Senior Associate Fellow; Financial crime consultant and researcher
Stephen Reimer
Associate Fellow
Denisse Rudich
Associate Fellow; Founder and Executive Director, Rudich Advisory
Sergii Rybchenko
Associate Fellow
Dr Noémi També
Associate Fellow; Independent Financial Crime Consultant and Researcher
BC Tan
RUSI Senior Associate Fellow
Dr Timothy Wittig
Associate Fellow - Expert on wildlife trafficking, illicit economies, and terrorist/threat finance