Erin Lubowicz

Associate Fellow


Erin Lubowicz has worked in criminal justice and transnational crime for almost two decades, with roles in prosecution, policy, and international standards. 

Until May 2024, Erin served as the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering, assisting the largest and smallest economies in the world to strengthen their regimes to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Erin served as the Head of Delegation to FATF for New Zealand from 2012 to 2019, where she cemented New Zealand’s position as a key contributor to policy and standard setting discussions on the international stage. As Chief Advisor, Criminal Justice, for the New Zealand Ministry of Justice, Erin led the development of New Zealand’s AML/CFT reforms, including the implementation of the FATF standards to include all designated non-financial businesses and professions. Erin also led early development of New Zealand’s national response to the Christchurch terror attacks of 2019.

Earlier in her career, Erin served as a prosecutor in the Republic of Palau, where she prosecuted the Pacific’s first human trafficking case following adoption of the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons (2000). Erin holds a juris doctorate, cum laude with honours, from the Georgetown University Law Center, and a bachelor’s degree in Romance languages, with honours, from the University of Georgia.

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