Dr Noémi També
Associate Fellow; Independent Financial Crime Consultant and Researcher
Dr Noémi També is an independent financial crime consultant, trainer, researcher and published author with 20 years professional experience across the academic, public and private sector. Her academic research interests are risk assessment, crypto risk, risk appetite and developing a methodology to measure the effectiveness of the global AML framework.
She is the author of ‘Deconstructing Money Laundering Risk, De-risking, the Risk-based Approach and Risk Communication’ (Springer, 2022).
Noémi has a wide international experience spanning the UK, Luxembourg, Estonia and Mexico, with a particular focus on Financial Intelligence Units and private banking. She has managed high-profile investigations focused on AML, and delivered projects for compliance control environment, processes improvements, remediation, and reputational risks management. She holds a PhD in Systems Science from the Hull University Business School where her research focused on the Risk Based Approach, the deconstruction of ML risk and de-risking. Prior to that, Noémi was an environmental economist. She has an MSc in Environmental Economics from University College London and a BSc in Economics and Politics from the University of Bath.