
Our research focuses on the threat of fraud as it relates to money laundering, cybercrime and international security.

Fraud remains largely a ‘silent threat’, with the scale of its impact on citizens, the private sector and the public purse met with a significantly under-resourced response. In this context, the prevailing political narrative fails to convey the full impact of fraud beyond financial losses or the psychological impact on victims. To inform a new approach to tackling fraud, RUSI’s research explores the social, economic and criminological impacts of fraud and their intersection with the broader security landscape in the UK and internationally. We seek to pave the way for fundamentally different pathways of responding to the problem.

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  • Tackling the Silent Threat of Fraud: Amplifying the UK’s Response

    clock6 Minute Read
  • Luxury on the Surface: Social Media Influencers and Financial Crime

    clock6 Minute Read
  • The UK's Economic Crime Plan 2: Progress, Pitfalls and Prospects

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