Recording: Securing Integrity of Ukraine’s Reconstruction Funding Conference
Discussing the challenges and best practices in financial crimes investigation.
The Russian aggression against Ukraine has devastated the country, requiring significant international aid to address immediate recovery needs and to reconstruct the country once hostilities cease. However, transparency is key to ensuring a proper allocation of funds. What is civil society’s role as ‘the second line of defence’ against corruption in Ukraine?
To support Ukrainian civil society in the efficient oversight of international aid allocation, RUSI’s Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS) and RUSI Europe have launched the Supervising and Monitoring Ukraine’s Reconstruction Funds (SMURF) project.
The project’s 'Securing Integrity of Ukraine’s Reconstruction Funding' conference on 14 March 2023 brought together a cohort of leading Ukrainian anticorruption activists invited by CFCS and RUSI Europe, as well as EU policymakers, civil society activists, and journalists to discuss the challenges and best practices in financial crimes investigation. During the conference, the Ukrainian anticorruption activists will also share their experience and insights on working with the Ukrainian government on transparency and accountability in the country’s reconstruction.