Episode 5: Sanctions and Global Security

An unscheduled episode, recorded as the tragic events in Ukraine unfold. It considers the central plank of the West’s response to Russia’s aggression - sanctions.

Tom Keatinge is joined by RUSI Associate Fellows and legal experts Anna Bradshaw of Peters & Peters and Nick Turner of Steptoe & Johnson. They discuss the wider challenges related to sanctions and their use, what these mean in the context of the current crisis, and whether or not it’s time to rethink our approach to sanctions, given that, all too often, they seem to fail to meet their intended goals.

Suspicious Transaction Report Podcast Series

The Suspicious Transaction Report is the flagship podcast of RUSI’s Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS). It offers 'behind-the-scenes' insights and practical advice on how to implement the latest financial crime research and policy developments in the real world – from anti-money laundering and illicit flows to sanctions evasion and cryptocurrency abuse.

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Tom Keatinge

Director, CFS

Centre for Finance and Security

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Dr Anna Bradshaw

Associate Fellow; Partner, Business Crime Department, Peters & Peters Solicitors LLP

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