Episode 9: Resistance Networks and Total Defence

British Army officer Major Jon Armstrong discusses how resistance networks are formed and utilised, particularly in the current Russo-Ukraine war.

From the makeshift resistance efforts seen in Ukraine to Sweden’s carefully structured Total Defence approach, resistance networks can play a crucial role in a country’s defence strategy. Armstrong talks about the different elements of resistance activities, focusing on Ukraine, and examines their successes and limitations. He addresses the challenges in controlling these networks, along with the potential post-conflict difficulties of reintegration – warning of the risk of civil strife if such groups are sidelined. As nations plan for future conflicts, Jon argues that they must not only build resistance networks, but also integrate them within the broader operational strategy.

Jon Armstrong is a British Army officer with over 20 years of experience. His research interests include land operations and irregular warfare. He holds a BA in War Studies and an MA in Military and Security Studies from King’s College London.

The views expressed in this podcast are the author's, and do not represent those of RUSI or any other institution.

RUSI Journal
Violent Resistance in Occupied Ukraine: Assessing Network Capabilities


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