Episode 18: Crime Risks of Free-Trade Zones

Freeport development is an integral part of the UK’s post-Brexit trade strategy.

Although free-trade zones (FTZs) are frequently hailed as a harbinger of economic development and increased ease of doing business, their financial crime and illicit trade risks are often poorly understood. The CFCS’s Emil Dall speaks to colleagues Anton Moiseienko, Isabella Chase and Alexandria Reid about their research project on FTZs, and how governments and the private sector can assess their crime risks.

Financial Crime Insights Podcast Series

Financial Crime Insights is a collection of discussions from past CFCS webinars and events with top financial crime thinkers, as well as behind-the-scenes research interviews with the CFCS team. The topics they discuss remain timely and our aim is to bring these insights from the computer screen to our listeners who are on the go.


Emil Dall

Associate Fellow; Sanctions Lead at FINTRAIL

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Isabella Chase

Associate Fellow; Former CFCS Senior Research Fellow, RUSI

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Alexandria Reid

Associate Fellow | SHOC Network Member - Researcher

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Anton Moiseienko

Associate Fellow; Lecturer in Law, Australian National University

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