Russia's 'Coup' Dispute With Neighbor Heats Up

Featured in Newsweek

Russia - Armenia Relations


Dr. Neil Melvin, Director of International Security at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), a London-based think tank, told Newsweek: "[Prime Minister Pashinyan]'s accusation is the latest in a series of announcements by the authorities in Armenia that they have foiled coup attempts, although there is, as yet, relatively little evidence to support the latest claim." Callum Fraser Research Fellow in Russia and Eurasian Studies at RUSI said that Russia has been engaged in a campaign to fan the flames of discontent in Armenia. According to Fraser, Russia has been pointing to Pashinyan's so-called ineffectiveness following the loss of Nagorno-Karabakh. Fraser said: "It is not beyond possibility that Russia would simultaneously be trying to actively overthrow the current Armenian government."