Upgrading to a New, Rigorous System: Recent Developments in China’s Export Controls
China’s export-control system is adapting to a new proliferation environment
The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems continues to be a serious threat to international security and stability. The deepening process of economic and supply-chain globalisation, e-commerce and rapid flows of trade and people have allowed proliferation activities to become more sophisticated and less visible. One country cannot deal with proliferation by itself. All countries should co-ordinate their efforts to counter this challenge.
China, as a country with a growing industrial production base, is a critical link in the international non-proliferation regime. Thus, its non-proliferation export-control practices play an important role in international efforts to counter proliferation.
This paper examines China’s contemporary export-control practices, challenges and the recent efforts to improve the export-control system. It also identifies trends in the development of China’s export controls and outlines the importance of the country’s integration with global non-proliferation endeavours.
About the Author
Xiaoming Liu is the former Director of the Secretariat of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association (CACDA) based in Beijing. The CACDA is not responsible for any errors in this paper or for any consequences arising from the use of information contained in this paper. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the CACDA.