Recording: The Transatlantic Response to Illicit Finance with Chris Bryant MP

The centrality of illicit finance to global security is clear, yet decisive long-term action is tepid at best. RUSI’s latest analysis offers realistic options for impactful transatlantic leadership in this space.

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This Centre for Financial Crime & Security Studies webinar discusses the Transatlantic Response to Illicit Finance (TARIF), drawing on the newly published Policy Brief based on the work of our Taskforce over the past 18 months.

Chris Bryant, MP and Member of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee shares his views on international illicit finance, in discussion with CFCS Director Tom Keatinge.

Following this discussion, a panel drawn from the TARIF contributors join the session to discuss the activities and findings of their work, and why it matters for global security. 

  • Maria Nizzero, Research Fellow, CFCS, and co-author of the new paper.
  • Edward Lucas, journalist and writer

The panel discussion is chaired by Tom Keatinge.

The Illicit Finance Threat to Democracies: A Transatlantic Response


Dr Maria Nizzero

Research Fellow

Centre for Finance and Security

View profile

Tom Keatinge

Director, CFS

Centre for Finance and Security

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