Episode 1: The Financial Dimensions of State Threats

Are the UK and its allies sufficiently equipped to tackle today’s threats from hostile state actors? And how might placing those threats under a financial lens help to shape responses? Host Tom Keatinge is joined by RUSI Associate Fellow and Senior Specialist at the House of Commons Ashlee Godwin, and Jonathan Evans, former Director General of MI5. They set the scene for this season’s theme of ‘finance weaponised’, exploring the evolving state threat landscape and how it might impact the future of democracy.

RUSI State Threats Taskforce (STT)

RUSI’s State Threats Taskforce (STT) aims to support the UK and its partners in detecting, understanding, attributing and responding to the spectrum of complex state threats currently facing democracies.

Suspicious Transaction Report Podcast Series

The Suspicious Transaction Report is the flagship podcast of RUSI’s Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS). It offers 'behind-the-scenes' insights and practical advice on how to implement the latest financial crime research and policy developments in the real world – from anti-money laundering and illicit flows to sanctions evasion and cryptocurrency abuse.

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Tom Keatinge

Director, CFS

Centre for Finance and Security

View profile

Ashlee Godwin

Associate Fellow

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The Lord Evans of Weardale KCB DL

Distinguished Fellow

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