Episode 39: What Sort of Security Actor is Sweden Becoming?

As NATO prepares to welcome Sweden as a member, we examine what Stockholm’s security agenda could look like in the years ahead.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Sweden quickly announced its intention to seek NATO membership. This move marked a significant departure from the country’s previous military non-alignment. With a new right wing-led government in place, and the country awaiting Turkey and Hungary’s ratification of its NATO membership, Sweden has made clear that national interests are at the heart of its international agenda. The new government has moved away from the idea of a feminist foreign policy and has begun to increase defence spending and to reduce international development assistance. What lies ahead for Sweden on its NATO journey, and what kind of member will it become in the years ahead? How will Sweden’s security priorities change as a member of the Alliance? For answers to all this and more, tune in now!

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Dr Neil Melvin

Director, International Security

International Security

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