Episode 38: The Illicit Finance Threat: A Transatlantic Response
Putting a stop to illicit finance matters for global security.
The US and UK are well-positioned to lead this fight, but time is of the essence as dirty money continues to unravel democracy worldwide. CFCS’s Tom Keatinge and Maria Nizzero join host Alanna Putze to discuss RUSI’s latest policy brief, which was inspired by the Taskforce on a Transatlantic Response to Illicit Finance. Together they explore realistic ways that the two countries can strengthen global defences against this rising threat.
Financial Crime Insights Podcast Series
Financial Crime Insights is a collection of discussions from past CFCS webinars and events with top financial crime thinkers, as well as behind-the-scenes research interviews with the CFCS team. The topics they discuss remain timely and our aim is to bring these insights from the computer screen to our listeners who are on the go.
Dr Maria Nizzero
Former CFS Research Fellow
Tom Keatinge
Director, CFS
Centre for Finance and Security
Alanna Putze
Senior Corporate Partnership Manager
Business Development