Gavin Wilde

GP-RCB Work Stream co-lead for North America

GP-RCB Work Stream co-lead for North America and member of RUSI's State Threats Taskforce

Gavin is a Senior Fellow in the Technology and International Affairs Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where he applies his background and expertise on Russia and information warfare to examine the strategic challenges posed by cyber and influence operations, propaganda, and emerging technologies. He also leads graduate coursework on these topics as an adjunct professor at the Alperovitch Institute for Cybersecurity Studies at Johns Hopkins University.

Gavin previously served on the US National Security Council as Director for Russia, Baltic, and Caucasus Affairs, where, in addition to managing country-specific portfolios, he helped craft policy on foreign malign influence, election security, and cyber issues.

Gavin also served as a linguist, senior analyst, and organisational leader in roles throughout the US intelligence community for nearly 15 years. He holds an undergraduate degree in Russian studies from the University of Utah, and a graduate degree in National Security Strategy from the US National War College.

Network: Global Partnership for Responsible Cyber Behaviour

Mapping practical understandings of responsible cyber behaviour and cyber policies across the world to inform a conceptual global cyber policy framework.

RUSI State Threats Taskforce (STT)

RUSI’s State Threats Taskforce (STT) aims to support the UK and its partners in detecting, understanding, attributing and responding to the spectrum of complex state threats currently facing democracies.

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