Edward Lucas: Illicit Finance Undermines ‘Global Britain’

In the first of our series of thought leadership videos focusing on key themes under the UK government’s Economic Crime Plan, journalist and writer Edward Lucas scrutinises the role of the UK in preventing global financial crime.

Claiming the UK’s role so far has been ‘all talk and no action’, Edward, who is also a member of RUSI’s Taskforce on a Transatlantic Response to Illicit Finance, explains the current gaps in the UK’s response to tackling economic crime, the threat dirty money poses to democracy, and why it is important that the UK steps up on the world stage in countering illicit finance.

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UK Economic Crime Plan

In July 2019, the UK government launched its first Economic Crime Plan (2019–2022) and, in March 2023, the UK government launched its second Economic Crime Plan (2023-2026). This project tracks and reviews the implementation of these plans.

Economic Crime Plan Online Tracker

This online tracker provides a tool by which the progress of the Economic Crime Plan can be monitored.


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