RUSI and Partners Organise UN Discussion on Accountability in Incident Response in New York

From 11-15 December 2023, governments gathered at the United Nations in New York to discuss the future of norms for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace.

On 15 December, RUSI co-organised a workshop on 'Learning from Cyber Crises and Building Accountability in Incident Response' together with Germany, Estonia, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) Montenegro and Kenya. This followed the United Nations open-ended working group session on the security of and in the use of information and communication technologies.

With over 35 governmental and non-governmental representatives gathered at the Permanent Mission of Estonia to the UN, the workshop invited participants to explore how cyber crises can help us better identify the lessons learned and blockers for accountability in incident response and help advance a practice-oriented understanding of responsible cyber behaviour.

The discussions informed the development of a workshop report, which will be published in the upcoming months as part of our ongoing project on Responsible Cyber Behaviour – which seeks to advance the mapping of practical understandings of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace across different regions.

View the OEWG Roundtable Agenda

Network: Global Partnership for Responsible Cyber Behaviour

Mapping practical understandings of responsible cyber behaviour and cyber policies across the world to inform a conceptual global cyber policy framework.


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