Call for Proposals: The UK PONI 2021 Annual Conference

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HMS Vigilant

The UK PONI Annual Conference has established itself as the premier UK forum showcasing the nuclear expertise of a new generation working in academia, industry, government, and the military. By bringing together emerging and established experts from across the nuclear field, the conference series promotes an informed and diverse dialogue on the most pertinent nuclear issues of the day.

The Conference

The conference will take place on 8-10 June 2021. Please download the proposal form and send it to before Tuesday, 6 April (deadline extended).

Opportunities for Presenters

We are accepting proposals for presentations at the 2021 Annual Conference, which this year will be held online, 8-10 June. The event will consist of a series of short presentations from emerging experts in the field as well as keynote speeches, and a variety of networking opportunities. This conference will focus on the research topics listed in the call for proposals.

For the papers presented at the 2020 Annual Conference, please click here.

Selected presenters will have the opportunity to: 1) work with members of the UK PONI team to refine their ideas and research; 2) meet with external mentors and receive feedback prior to the conference; 3) present their work to a broad audience of nuclear experts; and 4) publish a short paper in RUSI’s annual edited volume, The UK PONI Papers. The external mentors who have kindly agreed to review selected presentations are experienced professionals in the nuclear field. The best presentations from the conference will be put forward to the following year’s US PONI Capstone Conference, to be held at the US Strategic Command in Omaha, Nebraska.

Application Guidelines and Selection Process

Please send the completed 2021 Annual Conference proposal form to by Tuesday, 6 April, and include ‘Annual Conference Proposal’ as the email’s subject.

To help applicants write a competitive proposal application, UK PONI will organise a Q&A session on 24 March to discuss what makes a good conference proposal and what to include in the proposal. For more information and registration, click here.

UK PONI encourages presentation proposals from graduate students, emerging technical specialists, and other early career professionals, including those with military experience. UK PONI is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment, and we thus welcome applications from women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities.

The final choice will be made by a selection panel which consists of the UK PONI team and the UK PONI Board of Advisers, using an anonymised process. At the discretion of the selection panel, additional selected presentations may also be included in the Annual Conference. 

Please sign up to join the UK PONI network and receive information about the annual conference and other events via this link.


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