‘Traitors have a short lifespan’, says Russia analyst

Featured on Channel 4 News

Yevgeny Prigozhin's Death


[Speaking to Channel 4 News, Natia Seskuria, a Russia analyst from the Royal United Services Institute, said]: "We can't say anything for sure at this point but from what we see and hear from the Russian state agency, they report that Prigozhin's name was on the list of people that was on this plane. Given the circumstances and what happened two months ago, it is highly likely that Prigozhin would have ended this way, but of course we have to wait for more information to come up. ... I would say it was interesting, if it is true and Prigozhin was on the plane, the way in which Putin has dealt with Prigozhin. I was expecting that Prigozhin would have faced a similar sort of fate, after it has been widely claimed by the Kremlin that he has a traitor, and Putin simply does not forgive these sort of adventures, especially coming from his inner circle. The way in which this happened was quite interesting because there were other people as well who were on the plane, reportedly ten people in total, and Putin could have chosen different ways in which he could have got rid of Prigozhin, and we have seen many times before how Putin's opponents ended up being poisoned or dead under strange circumstances, and this is not the case. This is a very loud statement if Prigozhin was indeed onboard. ... I think this could be a clear message that traitors have a short life span, and you can't simply wage the sort of battle with Putin and with the Kremlin and end up being alive or in peace."