Kim Jong-un could unveil ‘biggest-ever’ nuke missile this weekend after promising big ‘surprise’ for Donald Trump

As featured in The Sun

North Korea


Tom Plant, director of proliferation and nuclear policy at the Royal United Services Institute, told The Sun Online he expects North Korea to unveil a new weapons system soon - but said it may not be on Saturday. He said: "North Korea has a pretty good heritage of giving the incoming US President something to think about so it pushes them up the agenda. "Whether they do that now, or they until November - who knows. "But they certainly have an interest in doing something, I would be surprised if we do not see something of that nature over the next three to four months." The expert said Kim has a "vast array" of weapons in development to choose from, so identifying exactly what it may be is "difficult". Mr Plant said a new submarine-launched missile, which has been the subject for months of speculation amid of flurry of activity at Kim's naval base in Sinpo, would be "very ambitious". He added: "The North Korea issue is not going away, and its going to get harder to resolve as times goes on."