Blood and Oil: Russian Oil Deliveries Follow North Korean Weapons Transfers

Cover image created using ChatGPT and edited by Gary Somerville

North Korean tankers have begun loading oil from a Russian port in the country’s Far East an analysis of dozens of satellite images shows, partially lifting the veil on what Pyongyang has secured in return for the transfer of vast quantities of munitions and missiles.

Access the report based on analysis of these satellite images conducted by RUSI’s Open Source Intelligence and Analysis team (OSIA) and the Financial Times.

Interactive Report: Blood and Oil: Russian Oil Deliveries Follow North Korean Weapons Transfers

Read the related report: 'Russia supplies oil to North Korea as UN sanctions regime nears ‘collapse’', Financial Times, 26 March 2024

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James Byrne

Former Director, OSIA

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Joe Byrne

Research Fellow

Open Source Intelligence and Analysis (OSIA)

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Ino Terzi

Research Analyst

Open Source Intelligence and Analysis (OSIA)

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Denys Karlovskyi

Research Fellow

Open Source Intelligence and Analysis (OSIA)

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