European Security in Transformation Programme

The European Security in Transformation Programme analyses perennial and emerging security challenges for the wider Euro-Atlantic region within the context of the UK’s national security.

NATO Allies at a plenary session of the 2022 Madrid Summit

The UK’s Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy explicitly stated that the Euro-Atlantic region is critical to the UK’s security and prosperity, and that European allies will remain vital partners post-Brexit. Among other things, the programme will consider what this means in practice.

European security is at an inflection point. The continent’s strategic environment is more complex and demanding than at any time since the end of the Cold War. There are several geopolitical developments that could significantly transform the contemporary European security environment: the return of great power competition; Brexit and growing political fragmentation across the continent; the US pivot to Asia; and the continuing evolution of the European security architecture.

As European powers and groupings respond to these challenges and adapt their approaches to confront them, navigating this complex environment is an imperative for the UK. The programme analyses these developments to assess the impact on the UK and identify opportunities and options for UK policymakers.

Map Tool: UK Defence and Security Relationships Across Europe

Visit the map tool and select an organisation or click on a country to view the defence and security relationship of that entity to the UK.

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