UK Economic Crime Plan Online Tracker - Methodology
About this project
In September 2019 the CFCS at RUSI began a two-year programme of work to track and support the implementation of the UK government’s 2019 Economic Crime Plan.
The Economic Crime Plan lays out the UK government’s agenda for tackling economic crime for the years 2019-2022 via seven strategic priorities and 52 actions. This online tracker provides a tool by which the progress of the Plan can be monitored.
The tracker forms part of this programme of work which is complemented by a series of workshops, research papers and other technical assistance that the programme team is running alongside the UK government. This work also includes the establishment of the Civil Society Organisations Steering Group (CSOSG), a group of non-governmental bodies which meet regularly to provide independent input into the ECP.
This project is funded in its entirety by the Open Society Foundations.
Methodology: In Detail
The RUSI Economic Crime Plan Online Tracker works to the following methodology:
Definition of Categories
Regularity of Updates
The tracker will be systematically updated on a quarterly basis commencing on 1st June 2020. In addition, individual actions will be updated on an ad-hoc, interim basis should the team become aware of, or be alerted to, significant changes in status. The date of the last update to an action will be displayed at the bottom of the action narrative.
Basis for Status Updates
On a quarterly basis, the tracker management team will collate information from open sources, RUSI engagement on a specific action or from robustly evidenced updates from action owners on the current status of actions. The source of the update or grounds for a status change will be set out in the action narrative.
A fortnight before the update is due for upload the tracker team will offer the Home Office, HM Treasury and UK Finance (owners of the Economic Crime Plan) the ‘right to reply’ to the collated data and to offer the opportunity to evidence further progress on the plan.
Following a reply from the Home Office, HMT, or UK Finance, the team will require specific written evidence of progress before accepting any proposed status changes. The information supplied will be robustly queried by the tracker team before accepting any status updates.
Grounds for status changes will be made clear in the action narrative, however further background information will be stored centrally by the programme team. In cases where statuses are queried by third parties, background evidence for status decisions will be made available on request if a legitimate interest is established.
The tracker management team reserves the right to retain the original status rating if written evidence from the owners of the Economic Crime Plan is unspecific or if there are evidenced grounds for disagreeing with the proposed status update. Where this is the case, the two differing positions will be laid out in the action narrative and the basis and evidence for disputing the proposed status update will be clearly set out. Other parties will have the opportunity to respond to the project team’s conclusion by contacting them via the contact options on the tracker website.
Peer Review Mechanism
The methodology for forming and updating the Economic Crime Plan Tracker has been reviewed by independent experts from UK-based Civil Society Organisations.
On an ongoing basis the accuracy of the tracker will subject to accuracy validation by the Civil Society Organisations Steering Group (CSOSG). The CSOSG is a group of civil society organisations who were formed under Action 52 of the Economic Crime Plan to provide independent civil society input into the Economic Crime Strategic Board* regarding progress of the Economic Crime Plan.
*(the public-private body, chaired by the Home Secretary and the Chancellor of the Exchequer overseeing delivery of the Economic Crime Plan.)
This project is funded in its entirety by the Open Society Foundations. Find out more about how RUSI is funded.
Contact the team
Helena Wood
Associate Fellow; Head of Public Policy at Cifas
Dr Maria Nizzero
Former CFS Research Fellow
Kathryn Westmore
Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Finance and Security
About CFCS
The Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS) is dedicated to addressing the challenges of financial crime and threat finance to the UK and international security and the important role finance can play in identifying and disrupting a range of globally recognised threats. Established in 2014, the CFCS is a research programme of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), the world’s oldest security and defence think tank.