Resources on Transatlantic Illicit Finance

Access recent developments and scholarship related to transatlantic illicit finance

If you would like to familiarise yourself with recent developments and scholarship related to transatlantic illicit finance, we have pulled together a selection of useful background resources. These are based on suggestions from TARIF members. Please contact if you come across any additional materials that you think may be useful to the group throughout the course of the Taskforce.

United States Reforms

1) Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 (general summary) (Dec 2020)

2) RegTech Consulting, AML Act of 2020: Renewing America’s AML/CFT Regime (legislative changelog) (Dec 2020)

3) The White House, Establishing the Fight Against Corruption as a Core U.S. National Security Interest (Jun 2021)

4) Department of the Treasury, Statement by Secretary Janet Yellen On the United Kingdom’s Establishment of a Global Anti-Corruption Sanctions Regime (Apr 2021)

5) Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and Michael Carpenter, How to Stand Up to the Kremlin (Feb 2018)

6) Jake Sullivan, What Donald Trump and Dick Cheney Got Wrong About America (Feb 2019)

7) Chainalysis, U.S. Government Targets Russian Influence Operations with Cryptocurrency Nexus (Apr 2021)

8) Nate Sibley and Ben Judah, Countering Global Kleptocracy: A New US Strategy for Fighting Authoritarian Corruption (Jan. 2021)
A condensed list of 70 policy recommendations is available here.

9) Trevor Sutton and Simon Clark, The Treasury Department Should Lead the Fight Against Corruption and Kleptocracy (Dec 2020)

10) Josh Rudolph, The Fight Against Corruption Needs Economists (May 2021)

11) Transparency International, Combatting Global Corruption: A Bipartisan Plan (Feb 2021)
A summary is also available here.

12) Igor Logvinenko and Casey Michel, Global Kleptocracy as an American Problem (Dec 2020)

Multilateral Reforms

1) Trevor Sutton and Ben Judah, Why the World’s Democracies Need a Global Kleptocracy Initiative (Feb 2021)

2) Hudson Institute, Senator Bill Cassidy and John Penrose MP on Transatlantic Initiatives Curtailing Illicit Finance (Jun 2020)

3) G7 Cornwall Communique, 2021 Open Societies Statement (Jun 2021)

4) The White House, The New Atlantic Charter (Jun 2021)

Other Relevant Resources

1) Transparency International, At Your Service (Oct 2019)

2) Alexander Cooley, John Heathershaw, & J.C. Sharman, The Rise of Kleptocracy: Laundering Cash, Whitewashing Reputations (Jan 2018)

3) Alexander Cooley, Tena Prelec, John Heathershaw, and Tom Mayne, Reputation Laundering in the University Sector of Open Societies: An International Forum Working Paper (May 2021)

4) Alliance for Democracy, Malign Finance Tracker (ongoing)
Under the filter for “malign finance”, click “apply filter” to see recent incidents

5) TRM Insights, North Korea Cyber Attacks (Feb 2021)

6) National Crime Authority, Online is the New Frontline in Fight Against Organised Crime (May 2021)

7) Australia Department of Home Affairs, [Five Eyes] Ministerial (Aug 2018

8) Wolfang Ischinger, Fight Corruption! (May 2021)

9) Europol, Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment (Apr 2021)

Taskforce on a Transatlantic Response to Illicit Finance

TARIF aimed to strengthen global democracy by identifying viable ways in which the UK and US can combine efforts in tackling illicit finance.
