USN CJOS COE Maritime Conference 2008 - Delivering Maritime Security in Global Partnership

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Delivering Maritime Security in Global Partnership

Conference presented by:
Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Centre of Excellence (CJOS COE), United States Navy Second Fleet

co-hosted by:
Confined & Shallow Waters COE, Naval Mine Warfare COE
and NATO Undersea Research Centre

Sorrento, Italy May 12-15 2008

The Royal United Services Institute is developing close links with the United States Navy Second Fleet’s Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Centre of Excellence (CJOS COE), and is pleased to be able to provide information on the inaugural CJOS COE conference, Delivering Maritime Security in Global Partnership. The conference will take place on 13th-15th May 2008 in Sorrento, Italy. 

Housed within Headquarters, Commander Second Fleet in Norfolk, Virginia and directed by Vice Admiral Marty Chanik United States Navy (Commander Second Fleet), CJOS COE is a multi-national organisation which addresses maritime expeditionary operations issues for the benefit of NATO, our 13 sponsoring nations, and other countries and international organisations.

The conference focus is not limited to the role of naval and wider military forces in delivering maritime security. It will take a holistic look at the problems associated with global maritime security, the possible solutions and their implications, and the growing significance, and successes of, global maritime partnership.  With participation of civilian, military and naval experts from all NATO, European Union, Partnership for Peace (PfP) and Mediterranean Dialogue nations, plus representation from other nations and navies focused on this critical subject – such as Australia, India, Japan, Libya, New Zealand, Pakistan, Republic of Korea and Singapore - the conference will discuss strategic trends and challenges, current maritime strategies, and developing security initiatives.

This Conference will endeavour to take practical steps forward in delivering maritime security, as opposed to simply discussing theoretical and conceptual issues. In so doing, it will clarify what individual nations and organisations can do to develop global maritime partnerships today and in the future, with both new technology and new thinking. Focusing on practical measures to improve information sharing and interoperability, the conference should give participants a better understanding of:

1.    The requirements for building a partnership;

2.    The US approach to taking forward the Maritime Headquarters with Maritime Operations centre concept across the world, and its potential impacts on partnerships on a regional and global basis;

3.    The need to take a ‘transformational’ approach to thinking about this issue, if the good practices already available in several nations and international organisations are to be leveraged most effectively into use by the wider "global" maritime security community.

4.    The role of the Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Centre of Excellence.

Conference participation will be limited to about 250 attenders.

Confirmed senior serving military speakers include:
• Admiral Mark Fitzgerald United States Navy (Commander Allied Joint Forces Command)
• Admiral Luciano Zappata (Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation)
• Vice Admiral Marty Chanik United States Navy (Commander Second Fleet USN, and Director CJOS COE)
• Vice Admiral Pim Bedet (Deputy Commander Maritime Component Command, Northwood Headquarters)
• Vice Admiral Roberto Cesaretti (Commander Maritime Component Command, Naples)
• Rear Admiral Ercument Tatlioglu (Turkish Navy)
• Rear Admiral Michael Tillotson United States Navy (Commander, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command)
• Commodore Bob Mansergh Royal Navy (Deputy Director, CJOS COE)

For further information on the conference, please visit:

Please note: this event is NOT organised by the Royal United Services Institute and RUSI has no responsibility for any aspect of it. All correspondence relating to the event, including registration enquiries, should be directed to CJOS COE via the above link.



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