UK Modernising Defence Programme

The UK’s Modernising Defence Programme: Are Alternative Approaches Possible?

If boldness, cunning and guile are the hallmarks of successful British military contributions that have allowed the UK Armed Forces to develop a reputation for excellence, then these might be the facets that need investment in the MDP, not simply new equipment.

Peter Roberts
Commentary, 30 May 2018

The Modernising Defence Programme: Ballistic Missile Defence Decisions for the United Kingdom

The language of deterrence was once more at the centre of policy discussion at the recent 2018 Munich Security Conference in February. Whether US Secretary of Defense James Mattis’s talk on tailored deterrence, or British Prime Minister Theresa May’s references to modern deterrence, there appears to be an acceptance that the current posture, presence and profile of Western states against Russia (or China) is not working.

Peter Roberts
Commentary, 6 March 2018

The UK National Security Capability Review and the Fusion Doctrine

As Parliament rose for the Easter recess, Prime Minister Theresa May issued a statement announcing the release of the National Security Capability Review.

The UK Modernising Defence Programme: ‘Get with the Programme’

Officials in the Ministry of Defence charged with delivery of the UK Modernising Defence Programme would do well to heed the title and take a robust programmatic approach to their task.

John Louth
Commentary, 16 February 2018

Decision Time: The National Security Capability Review 2017–

2018 and Defence

This report looks at the implications of the UK government's decision to take the defence elements out of the National Security Capability Review, which has been underway since July 2017. Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has made clear that his 'hope' is that the 'Modernising Defence Programme’ (MDP) will be published before the House of Commons rises for the summer recess in July 2018.

Malcolm Chalmers
Whitehall Reports, 6 February 2018

The UK Defence Modernisation Programme: A Risk and an Opportunity

The UK government has decided that the defence elements of the National Security Capability Review will be subject to further review.

Professor Malcolm Chalmers
Commentary, 25 January 2018


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