The RUSI Land Warfare Conference attracts a variety of high profile speakers
The RUSI Land Warfare Conference attracts a variety of high profile speakers
The latest RUSI Land Warfare Conference, commencing on 8 June, has attracted significant attention from several prestigious figures from the defence and security community. Not only does the presence of these high profile speakers demonstrate the importance of the Land Warfare Conference, but adds significant value to the level of discussion that will take place.
General Sir David Richards, Chief of the General Staff, British Army will open the conference with a keynote presentation on 8 June and a summation on 9 June.
General David Petraeus, Commander of United States Central Command (CENTCOM) will speak on 9 June 2010. He will take part in a session examining the UK's role in partnerships and alliances. General Petraeus' contribution comes at a time when there is a renewed focus in the UK's Ministry of Defence on partnerships, as outlined in the recently published Defence Green Paper, which highlighted ever-closer co-operation between US and UK forces in Afghanistan.Â
General Peter W.Chiarelli, Vice Chief of Staff, United States Army and General Sir Peter Wall, Commander in Chief Land Forces, British Army will also be delivering keynote addresses on the 8 and 9 June respectively.
Andrew Robathan, Minister for Defence Personnel, Welfare and Veterans, Ministry of Defence, will use the RUSI Land Warfare conference to outline how the Government plans to manage Britain's international security challenges in a wider context.
RUSI will also be welcoming journalist and TV presenter Jon Snow to chair the session with General Petraeus and General Wall.
To view a full programme of all the speakers, visit