RUSI display at Eurosatory 2008
RUSI gave a strategic, intellectual and a prospective dimension to the Eurosatory 2008 defence exhibition by having a presence at the Eurosatory think tank village (Stand H0 40c) and by presenting at Eurosatory's Think Tanks Roundtable Programme.
Held in Paris between 16 - 20 June 2008, Eurosatory is a longstanding International Land, Airland and Homeland Defence Exhibition where technological innovations are uncovered and where the urgent policy issues of our day are debated by a gathering of worldwide experts.
Think Tanks Roundtable Programme
Monday 16 June
The Future of ESDP
Current Developments of ESDP seen from London and Paris
Speakers: Jonathan Eyal and Alastair Cameron
The Implications of the New French White Paper
Speakers: Jonathan Eyal and Alastair Cameron
Tuesday 17 June
What is left of Transformation?
Unmanned Ariel Vehicles
Speaker : Elizabeth Quintana
Defense industry and Transparency
Procurement Policy and Practice including Through-Life Capability Management
Speaker : Michael Codner
Wednesday 18 June
The Future Strategic Environment
Russia: Political transition and Problems
Speaker : Jonathan Eyal
British perspectives on the Future Strategic Environment
Speaker : Michael Clarke
Security implications of Climate Change
Speaker : Tobias Feakin
Thursday 19 June
Stabilization Operations, Irregular War and Their Implications
The Development of Military Doctrine and Concepts for Irregular War
Speaker : Michael Codner
The Comprehensive Approach
Speaker : Paul Smyth
Friday 20 June
Terrorism : How to Counter it at Home and on Operations
Terrorism and Radicalisation, Counter-terrorism Policing
Speaker : Garry Hindle
Current Operations / Countering Insurgency and Irregular Operations
Speaker : Paul Smyth