German Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger speaks in RUSI Transatlantic Forum

Transatlantic Relations and the EU after the German Presidency - Challenges Ahead

Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger
Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Court of St. James

Wednesday 29 November 2006
1500 - 1630

Ambassador Ischinger will focus on the challenges ahead for the European Union and the G8, given the up-coming presidency of the Federal Republic in both organizations. The ambassador will touch upon a host of issues including the transatlantic relationship, EU enlargement, the current state of the Middle East, energy security and relations with Russia.

Wolfgang Ischinger is a career diplomat who has worked at the UN Secretariat in New York, Washington D.C. and in Paris. In Bonn he served as Private Secretary to Foreign Minister Genscher. From 1993 to 1998 Ambassador Ischinger was posted to the Foreign Ministry where he led a number of German delegations on international negotiations such as the Bosnia Peace Talks at Dayton, Ohio; the negotiations concerning the NATO-Russia Founding Act; as well as negotiations on NATO and EU enlargement and the Kosovo crises. The ambassador is widely published on foreign policy, security and arms control policy as well as on European and Transatlantic issues. He holds a German Law Degree and a Master’s degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.



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