The Defence Industrial Strategy -- an analysis of Industrial Responses
The United Kingdom (UK) Ministry of Defence (MoD) has, in its Defence Industrial Strategy (DIS) and its subsequent implementation strategy, Enabling Acquisition Change (EAC), set out for the UK Defence Industrial Base (DIB) a blueprint for delivering affordable defence capability with profound implications for all stakeholders in the defence acquisition community.
In this study, RUSI provides an independent analysis of the defence industry’s responses to DIS. The authors have collected and summarized industry’s opinions in a nonjudgemental way. To these views they have added a brief commentary which draws on the wider debate on DIS in the acquisition community. The study is not designed to present the position of the Institute nor of the sponsors of the work but to stimulate further discussion among MoD, industry, and other stakeholders, both on the challenges in DIS and on taking DIS forward.
Click here to download the report
Michael Codner, Director of Military Sciences (RUSI), Dr Lee Willett, Head of Maritime Studies (RUSI) and Louise Heywood, Head of UK Armed Forces Programme (RUSI).