Big Data for Security and Resilience


Report on the Conference ‘Big Data for Security and Resilience: Challenges and Opportunities for the Next Generation of Policy-Makers’, March 2014

This report, on the fourth STFC-funded conference  ‘Big Data for Security and Resilience: Challenges and Opportunities for the Next Generation of Policy-Makers’, held in March 2014, highlights some of the technical challenges, as well as the range of opportunities, that Big Data presents to policy-makers.





Bryan Edwards

Introduction: Machine Learning for Big Data

Alex Gammerman and Jennifer Cole

I. The National Archives, Big Data and Security: Why Dusty Documents Really Matter

Tim Gollins

II. Trends in Big Data: Key Challenges for Skills

Harvey Lewis

III: Big Data and Financial Transactions: Providing New Means of Analysis

Gregory Mandoli

IV. Characteristics of Terrorist Finance Networks: The Human Element

Neil Bennett

V: Terrorism and Political Risk Modelling

Mark Lynch

VI: Intelligent Use of Electronic Data to Enhance Public Health Surveillance

Edward Velasco

VII: The Raxibacumab Experience: The First Novel Product Approved Under the US Food and Drug Administration ‘Animal Rule’

Chia-Wei Tsai

Discussion Groups:

The Ethics and Legality of Big Data Sharing

Policing, Terrorism, Crime and Fraud

Health Data, Public Health and Public Health Emergencies

Individual Privacy Versus Community Safety

Research Themes Identified in the Presentations and Discussion Groups


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