4T2 Test

Debating Intelligence and Surveillance

On Monday 8 October 2013, Andrew Parker, Director General of the Security Service (MI5) chose the Royal United Services Institute to deliver his first public lecture. His remarks sparked off a national and international debate about the current terrorist threat and the role of surveillance and intelligence.

Click here to read the full speech >


In Defence of National Security Scrutiny
By James Ball, Data Editor, The Guardian
The MI5 director’s speech to RUSI generated a national debate which singled out for implicit criticism The Guardian for its role in leaking sensitive intelligence. Here, the paper’s data editor questions why the public should be asked to accept blanket assurances that their privacy and security are protected.

The Snowden Leaks Were Damaging to National Security, but the Subsequent Debate May Benefit Us All
ByCharlie Edwards, Senior Research Fellow and Director of National Security and Resilience, RUSI
In his first public speech at RUSI, the Director-General rightly suggested that the leaks from Edward Snowden  gave terrorists 'the gift to evade us and strike at will'. Nevertheless, the revelations should now be an opportunity to have a mature national conversation on the heirachy of accountability in intelligence gathering. 


Background analysis

Briefing: Re-Balancing Security and Justice - The Reform of UK Counter-Terrorism Legislation
This paper argues that the key political question for the Coalition Government to address is how far intelligence agencies should keep secrets to themselves and at what point greater transparency should indeed be demanded.


Is the Government's Communications Bill a Charter for Snoopers?
Proposals by the government to allow law enforcement officers greater access to communications data will draw understandable criticism from privacy campaigners.alysis

Is the Government's Communications Bill a Charter for Snoopers?
Proposals by the government to allow law enforcement officers greater access to communications data will draw understandable criticism from privacy campaigners.

Silver Bullets and Telephone Calls: Intercept Evidence, Security and the Quest for Justice
Criminal prosecution is central to the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy.



On the terrorist threat, Mr Parker said “overall, I do not believe the terrorist threat is worse now than before. But it is more diffuse. More complicated. More unpredictable.”


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