Episode 15: The Illicit Finance Dimensions of the Integrated Review

The UK’s Integrated Review, published in March 2021, provided considerable indications of the UK’s ambition to tackle money laundering and other financial crimes.

Matthew Redhead speaks to CFCS colleagues Tom Keatinge, Helena Wood and Emil Dall about the attention given by the Review to – respectively – illicit finance, UK economic crime, and sanctions, as a dimension of the UK’s foreign, security and defence policy. RUSI’s Keith Ditcham lends to this discussion his serious and organised crime perspective.

Financial Crime Insights Podcast Series

Financial Crime Insights is a collection of discussions from past CFCS webinars and events with top financial crime thinkers, as well as behind-the-scenes research interviews with the CFCS team. The topics they discuss remain timely and our aim is to bring these insights from the computer screen to our listeners who are on the go.


Tom Keatinge

Director, CFS

Centre for Finance and Security

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Helena Wood

Associate Fellow; Head of Public Policy at Cifas

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Matthew Redhead

Senior Associate Fellow; Financial crime consultant and researcher

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Emil Dall

Associate Fellow; Sanctions Lead at FINTRAIL

View profile

Dr Keith Ditcham

External Author | Former RUSI Senior Research Fellow

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