Kate Wilson
SHOC Network Member - Practitioner / ResearcherBiography
Kate Wilson is an ex Merseyside Police Detective. The latter half of her career was spent specialising in financial crime as a financial investigator, working on overt and covert criminal investigations targeting serious organised crime groups (OCGs). She was a practitioner in the practical application of the Proceeds of Crime Act and development of financial intelligence. Kate was also a mentor to financial investigators, gaining accreditation by the National Crime Agency. Â
Kate has obtained a MA degree with Merit in Financial Crime and Financial Investigation (FIFC) studying at Teesside University. Having a keen interest in the synonymous relationship between organised crime and financial crime she combined her experiential knowledge with academic research to produce her dissertation entitled; The Exacerbation of Criminal Endeavour – An analysis of the Exploitation of Corporate Structures by Organised Crime Groups in the Facilitation of Money Laundering.Â
Following almost 14 years policing service, Kate concluded her policing career working at the North West Regional Organised Crime Unit seeking to explore opportunities in the Private Sector. She continues to read literature on organised crime, financial crime and cybercrime and is a keen advocate of Public-Private Partnership working. Kate now works in cybercrime prevention, within the financial services industry.