Professor Alberto Testa

SHOC Network Member - Researcher


Dr Alberto Testa is a Professor of Applied Criminology at the University of West London ( UK) and Security Consultant. Professor Testa is specialised in Applied Behaviour Analysis aiming to detect Deception. As a Behavioural Scientist, He is interested in the role that unconscious processes play in individuals’ decisions and (deviant) behaviours. Alberto is a Certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI-CISA, USA) and a Registered Security Consultant (ASC-RISC)

Dr Testa is internationally recognised as an expert on Far-Right Radicalisation and Terrorism, and in sport on the Far-Right, mafia and Italian football ultras.

Alberto is a regular contributor to national and international media; He has contributed to a wide range of media in countries such as the UK (BBC; LBC; SKY News), USA (The Voice of America, CNN, ABC news), Canada (CBC ), Italy (RETEECONOMY), and Switerzland (RSI-RETE-UNO -Swiss Public Broadcasting Organization).

Website (Blog)

Areas of Expertise

  • Far-Right Violence
  • Italian Football , Mafia and Ultras groups

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