Josie Stewart
Associate Fellow; researcher and writer, independent consultant and advisor.
Josie Stewart has extensive policy, strategy, and delivery expertise, and a deep-rooted passion for working with governments, the private sector and civil society to drive global impact in the fight against illicit finance. As Head of Illicit Finance at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), Josie previously instigated and led a new policy and programme priority on international illicit finance for UK Government. She advised and shaped political engagement, and led a team working across government, with law enforcement, multilateral organisations, and partners internationally to shift incentives and enable change in the global financial system.
Josie also has extensive expertise in conflict, security and development, and has previously been Director of Transparency International’s global Defence and Security programme. She is particularly interested in the political economy of illicit finance and the interplays between corruption, illicit finance, and conflict in the developing world. She has lived and worked in Liberia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Afghanistan, and the UAE.
Josie is a serving member of the Board of Trustees at Spotlight on Corruption.