Dr Anna Sergi
SHOC Network Member - Researcher
Anna Sergi holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Essex where she currently lectures in Criminology. She holds an LLM in Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice from King’s College
London and a Master Law Degree, with a specialism in Comparative Criminal Procedure from the University of Bologna, Italy. Her research specialism is in organised crime studies, mafia studies and comparative criminal justice systems.
She has visited in research positions Flinders Law School, in Adelaide, Australia, and New York University Law School. Â She has worked as a consultant for the Australian Institute of Criminology. As a Research Assistant she was seconded to the National Crime Agency in London, for a project of the University of Cambridge, within the RCUKGlobal Uncertainties Programme in early 2014.
Prior to dedicating herself to the academic career, Anna briefly worked for the private sector, in the Forensics and Anti-Money Laundering Department of Pricewaterhouse Coopers in Milan, Italy and in the Italian Desk and Litigation Department for Withers LLP in London.