Dr Laura Pajon
SHOC Network Member - Researcher
Dr Laura Pajon is a senior lecturer in policing at Liverpool John Moores University. Her research focuses on law enforcement and multi-agency responses to serious and organised criminality, in particular human trafficking and modern slavery crimes. She publishes, teaches and advises widely on these topics.
As a result of her research, Laura has worked closely with local, regional and national law enforcement agencies and organisations across the public, private and third sectors, including leading non-governmental organisations such as Unseen, STOP THE TRAFFIK and Justice and Care, advising and influencing the way police and other stakeholders organise the response to serious and organised criminality. In addition to her research, Laura has helped develop and coordinate anti-slavery partnerships.
Laura’s work and research on human trafficking criminal investigations and anti-slavery partnerships has been prized nationally and internationally by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the International Association of Universities (IAU), and the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Office for its high quality and its capacity to impact and inform policy and practice.
Laura Pajon Moreno | Liverpool John Moores University (ljmu.ac.uk)