Casey Michel

Adjunct Fellow, Hudson Institute Kleptocracy Initiative

Transatlantic Response to Illicit Finance Taskforce Member

Casey Michel is an American writer and journalist who covers trans-national finance, foreign interference, and kleptocracy. He is the author of the forthcoming book American Kleptocracy: How the U.S. Created the World's Greatest Money Laundering Scheme in History, which examines the U.S.'s transformation into one of the world's premier offshore and financial secrecy jurisdictions.

His writing has appeared in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and POLITICO Magazine, among others. He is currently an Adjunct Fellow with the Hudson Institute's Kleptocracy Initiative.

Thoughts on the Taskforce on a Transatlantic Response to Illicit Finance (TARIF):

I joined TARIF because it's clear that, without close coordination between Washington and London, we're never going to make headway in the fight against illicit finance. If we're to win this fight against kleptocracy, strengthening the trans-Atlantic alliance is an absolute must.

Casey Michel

Adjunct Fellow, Hudson Institute Kleptocracy Initiative

Taskforce on a Transatlantic Response to Illicit Finance

TARIF aimed to strengthen global democracy by identifying viable ways in which the UK and US can combine efforts in tackling illicit finance.