Whit Mason
Associate Fellow
Whit Mason has over thirty years’ experience working at the intersection of conflict, change and communications. He began his career as a journalist, in 1991 founding and editing newspapers in Novosibirsk and in Vladivostok and has also worked as a journalist and analyst in Hong Kong, Sarajevo, Seoul, Istanbul and Pristina. He has advised ambassadors, generals, the United Nations and Prime Ministers in Ukraine, Moldova, Macedonia, Kosovo, Iraq, Syria, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Indonesia.
Whit studied the history of ideas at the University of Washington, international relations at Cambridge, law at the University of New South Wales, and philosophy, theology and religion at the University of Lucerne. As non-resident fellow of the Lowy Institute for International Policy, he co-wrote Zealous Democrats: Islamists and democracy in Egypt, Turkey and Indonesia. He wrote Peace at Any Price: How the World Failed Kosovo (Hurst) and published The Rule of Law in Afghanistan: Missing in Inaction (Cambridge University Press.) He is a member of HMG’s Civilian Deployment Group.