Ed Kitt

Visiting Research Fellow (on secondment) Centre for Finance and Security


Ed Kitt is a Visiting Research Fellow in the Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS) at RUSI, studying illicit financial flows in the Asia-Pacific region. Ed undertakes his Visiting Fellowship at RUSI in an independent capacity to that of his full-time role as a Civil Servant in UK Government.

Currently, Ed serves as the Illicit Finance Policy Lead to Australia, with responsibility for New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, having previously worked in the same capacity in the USA. His position forms part of the UK’s Serious and Organised Crime Network (SOCnet). In his role, Ed leads efforts to more closely align the UK’s approach to illicit finance with partners in the region.

Prior to taking up his role within SOCnet, Ed served for nearly four years in the National Crime Agency (NCA). This included working in the International Division of the UK Financial Intelligence Unit (UKFIU). Ed holds a Batchelor of Arts (BA) in Politics with Philosophy from the University of Exeter.

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